What is a Verucca ?
Veruccas are a viral infection and are common in adults and children. Veruccas are often flat (because they’re stood on) and usually contain black spots under the skin. They are often unsightly and can be painful – the pain is often described as like standing on a needle.
They might not hurt at all. They generally go away in time but it may take months or years. They are contagious, especially when skin is wet and sadly, children are often teased at school for having them.
We offer two main ways of treating veruccas :
SWIFT Verucca Treatment
The SWIFT Verucca treatment is our favoured type of treatment as it is so quick and incredibly effective. It really is the gold standard.
Veruccas tissue can go deep into the foot – which is why other treatment methods either take so long and/or aren’t 100% effective. The SWIFT treatment uses microwaves (not the sort you cook your dinner in!) similar to those used in radiotherapy to kill the affected tissue – without damaging the surrounding skin. This means you’re not in pain afterwards and don’t require dressings or bandages on your foot. You can walk straight out of your appointment and carry on with your day.
How long does it take?
Initial protocol is 3 treatments. If the verucca is particularly resistant or you have had it a long time, additional treatments may be needed. Your appointment is between 10 and 15 minutes long with each treatment taking 5 minutes – and getting very hot. This heat can be painful. Once the treatment has stopped the pain goes. You will see the thickness of the skin returning to normal over the treatments.
Who can have it?
Anyone can have this treatment – there are no side effects, complications or contraindications.
That said, some children may find it difficult to deal with the heat and our other options may be a more suitable choice.
How much is it?
We believe it’s very cost effective at £450 per course of three paid in advance.
(This includes the one use only disposable heads (normally £65 each)).
Very occasionally more than three treatments may be required. If that is the case you will only be charged the cost of the disposable head.